Hair loss, also called alopecia, is hair thinning on your body. It can affect any body part but mainly affects the scalp. Hair loss can affect anyone but is more common in males. Depending on the cause, hair loss can occur gradually or suddenly in one area or multiple body parts. The hereditary factor is the leading cause of hair thinning. Some people do not treat hair loss, especially in cases where it results from aging. But if your hair loss becomes persistent or is causing distress, you can talk to your doctor, Martin Maag M.D., for treatment. There are various causes of hair loss, and below are some.
Family history
Family history is the most common cause of hair loss, which occurs with aging. Hair loss resulting from hereditary factors happens gradually and in predictable patterns. It presents with a receding hairline in men, while women have thinning hair along the scalp crown.
Hairstyles and hair products
Some hairstyles that pull your hair tight, like pigtails and cornrows, can cause hair loss known as traction alopecia. Particular hair products can slowly weaken your hair, leading to hair loss. Color and perm are some common products known to cause hair loss.
Hormonal imbalance
Polycystic ovary syndrome, a condition resulting from hormonal imbalance, can lead to hair loss. If you stop taking certain birth control pills, you can have a temporary hormonal imbalance. Hormonal changes cause hair thinning on your scalp. Hormonal treatments can help regrow your hair.
Medical conditions
Alopecia areata, a condition related to the immune system, can cause hair loss. It can lead to hair loss in any body part, including the scalp, and inside your ears and nose. Some patients lose eyelashes and eyebrows. Scalp infections like ringworm can lead to hair loss. Scalp infections may cause inflammation and tiny black-like dots on the scalp. Some patients develop spots.
Aging can lead to slow hair growth. At a particular stage in your life, hair follicles stop growing hair, leading to hair thinning on your scalp. In females, the hairline naturally starts to regress. In some cases, if the hair loss is detected early, it can be treated, promoting regrowth.
Hair loss can result from certain drugs that treat conditions like cancer, arthritis, depression, and heart problems. If you get such a case, contact your doctor immediately. Do not stop taking the medications causing your hair loss unless instructed by your doctor.
Cancer treatments
If you have cancer, your doctor may recommend radiation and chemotherapy for treatment. You might lose your hair when these procedures are used on your head or neck. Hair loss is most noticeable a few weeks after treatment. After treatment, your specialist can prescribe medications to help your hair regrow quickly.
Sexually transmitted diseases
Certain untreated sexually transmitted diseases can lead to hair loss. Syphilis is the most commonly known. Untreated syphilis may cause patchy hair loss on the scalp, eyebrows, and beard. Other untreated sexually transmitted diseases can also lead to hair thinning. Hair regrows after treatment.
Hair loss is hair thinning on your body. It can result from hereditary factors, medications, hairstyles, hair products, age, medical conditions, and cancer treatments. Schedule an appointment at Honest Hair Restoration for hair loss treatment to relieve your distress.