Are you struggling with a wound that does not seem to heal? A slow healing wound can be scary. Slow-healing wounds increase the risk of developing an infection, excessive bleeding, and complications like wound dehiscence, hematomas, and seromas, just to mention a few. Wound care Humble can help speed up the healing process with measures like wound irrigation, topical ointment application, dressing, compression wrapping, and medication, to mention a few. But did you know the process could also be boosted through nutritional measures?
Certain deficiencies, for example, Vitamin C and A, can impair your immune response and wound healing. As such, revisiting your nutritional regimen as you strive to speed up wound healing is recommendable. Among the nutritional tips to consider include:
More protein
Protein helps your body in:
- Building
- Maintaining and
- Repairing tissues
Since a wound heals through the repair of the affected tissue, if you are not taking enough protein, it will slow the process. As you look for ways to improve daily protein intake, animal products are easier to include in various meals. For instance, you can take eggs in the morning and pack cheese or yogurt as snacks.
As you consider lunch, you can take fish or spice it up with plant protein like black beans. For your dinner, chicken or meat will give you more protein. With such a routine, you can increase protein intake, improve the body’s capability to repair the affected tissue, and speed up wound healing.
Increase fruits and vegetable intake
You need vitamins and minerals to build and maintain new tissues, which improves wound healing. You have heard it more times than you would care to admit. Nonetheless, increasing fruit and vegetable intake can’t be emphasized enough. They are excellent sources of Vitamin A, C, and E and minerals including zinc, folic acid, magnesium, and phosphorus, to mention a few.
Fruits and vegetables can take many forms, including smoothies that can be consumed as snacks. Nonetheless, your situation may make it challenging to maintain proper nutritional levels. If your nutritional regimen is not effective, you can turn to supplements. Remember to consult a dietitian or a doctor before cranking up on the supplements, though. This is more so if you have pre-existing medical conditions like diabetes.
Include more fluids
Hydration is crucial yet an easily overlooked nutritional aspect that can improve wound healing and overall health. Dehydration affects skin integrity. Moreover, you deprive it of the oxygen and other nutrients delivered by the blood. Apart from healing, hydration also impacts the eventual scarring. Adequate hydration is heart-healthy, and it improves nutrient delivery. It also keeps skin at its best, resulting in faster healing and less scarring.
Wound management can be overwhelming, but with proper nutrition, you can give your body the juice it needs to repair and heal much faster. If you notice any complications like increased drainage or bleeding or have a fever, among other infection signs, seeking immediate medical attention is necessary. Visit Calvary Urgent Care today for all your wound care needs.