Remember the times when Henry Ford used the technique of Assembly Line for the very first time. How fastly and efficiently it changed the time required for production from 12 long hours to just 1 hour and 33 minutes. No, it does not mean compromising with the quality aspect of production but it instead ensures that the quality remains intact while only the time duration shortens with a speed approx to about 12X times.
The very pursuit of science and technology by mankind is to find some innovative and revolutionary technique to reap larger profits with lesser efforts. Rapid prototyping services also maintains that the final product is of the highest quality and is equally competitive.
But, here comes the real question of how to choose the right kind of technology in line with the right kind of results we want it to deliver?
Well, the question is not so simple but it is not that difficult either. NICERAPID is a one-stop platform that helps you decide which technology to pick by carefully sorting and submitting to you a list of technologies to choose from. From the very beginning of the generation of an idea to the mapping out of required planning and strategy and then finally successfully executing it, everything is sorted out for you here.
Production these days has become more easier and faster with the use of these technologies decreasing the need for manual labor and making the entire cycle from the production to the final time of delivery efficient and cost-effective.
Some of the effective technologies used in the production process are namely:
CNC Machining
It is an advanced way of production that works by the process of CNC milling and lathing on a block of plastic or metal fastened by a clamp. It is capable of producing strong and versatile designs. It can replicate a given prototype in a variety of colors and designs. It uses the new-age technology of CAD or Computer-Aided Design that can produce complex shapes and designs within a very short period of time. Though it is more expensive than 3D printing and generates a large amount of waste, it is preferred due to its wide range of applications in various industries from the intricate medical industries to the intensive ones like automobiles.
Vacuum Casting
When a very low volume of 3D CAD models is required, usually this one is preferred. It uses polyurethane for making the parts and that’s how it got its name called cast urethane. Due to the use of polyurethane, it has properties that are really close to real injected plastics. You can make somewhere between 5 to 100 pieces by the use of this technology where each silicone mould is able to produce around 20 to 25 pieces.
Stereolithography (SLA)
It is known by the name additive manufacturing that uses cooling laser technology and photopolymer resins to produce parts. It is able to produce complex designs by the use of a laser that sketches an imprint on the resins. Though the items produced due to this casting technology are fragile and degrade very fast when exposed to UV light and humidity, it is used because of the competitive edge it provides in terms of cost.
You can directly contact NICERAPID for the quotes related to what kind of rapid prototyping services you want and they will be very happy to hear you out.
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