The spine comprises vertebrae (bones) stacked on top of each other. The spine features discs that facilitate movements without the bones rubbing against each other. Over time or due to health concerns, the disks can be worn out or degenerate. When the lumbar disc is impacted, lower back pain and limited movement hit, affecting the quality of your life. This is where Flowood artificial lumbar disc comes in, replacing the worn-out/degenerated discs to restore function and address the pain.
Lumbar disc replacement is a back/spine surgery and, much like any other invasive procedure, requires adequate preparations to facilitate smooth progress. While preparing, knowing what to expect after the surgery is essential, ensuring you put in place practical measures. Let’s take a glance at what follows the lumbar disc replacement.
Hospital stay
You can expect a short stay, typically a day or two. During this period, your mobility and pain levels are monitored. Before you leave, the professionals will supervise your movements and ensure you can stand and walk. This typically includes using a walker or cane, which continues for the first couple of days or weeks.
Pain is an unwanted yet virtually unavoidable surgery consequence. Your doctor will prescribe medication to manage the pain. The medication ranges from stronger options, including prescription narcotics and muscle relaxants, to over-the-counter painkillers. Managing postoperative pain is critical during the recovery period. This is especially considering its mental impact that can affect healing and overall health.
Returning to your routine more so if it involves straining activities will take some time (approximately eight weeks). Avoiding strenuous activities is essential since the discs can be dislodged if pressured. As you manage the recovery process, heat and ice also help. Ice helps lower inflammation, further reducing the pain. The heat helps relax the muscle spasms and tension
Working with a physical therapist makes your quest to strengthen the back more productive. The therapist guides your exercises to ensure you don’t overexert and affect your recovery. Guided physical therapy facilitates circulations, improving oxygen and nutrient delivery to the spine. The replenishment speeds up the healing process. The therapist will help you find exercises best suited for your situation. This typically includes aerobics, stretching, and strengthening activities targeting your back.
Back bracing may be necessary, typically for 4-6 weeks after lumbar disc replacement. The brace limits the motion, reducing the chances of spine damage during the recovery process. The limited movements help ensure you do not overextend or twist, facilitating faster healing.
Lumbar disc replacement is an effective solution, especially compared to alternatives like spinal fusion. Nonetheless, it is not without risks and complications. Some risks that can frustrate your endeavors include dislocation/dislodging, implant fracture or failure, loosening, blood clots, and infection, to name a few. This emphasizes the need for effective preparation and recovery measures. This includes having someone ready to help with your home chores, like activities requiring bending or working with demanding items such as vacuuming. Visit Jackson Neurosurgery Clinic today for more info about lumbar disc replacement