Many individuals have chronic back pain at some time in their life. Back discomfort incapacitates about 2% of the nation’s labor force daily. Osteoporosis, broken vertebrae, ruptured discs, compressed spinal nerves, and other problems may all lead to back discomfort and surgical treatment. When non-surgical pain management methods have failed and the patient is in considerable distress, it is advisable to consult a spine surgeon. The sooner you find out if you are eligible for Rancho Cucamonga disc replacement surgery, the better.
Your surgeon may choose disc replacement surgery if you have been experiencing persistent back or neck discomfort. But you may wonder how your surgeon decides whether you are a good candidate for surgery when there are so many other possibilities. Here are some clues that a disc replacement implant could be good for you.
You have already exhauste@d the most conservative therapy options available with no success
Non-invasive methods often provide positive results. If your pain or other problems remain after several weeks of conservative therapy, surgery is typically not even addressed as a possibility. Rest, heat or ice, and over-the-counter pain relievers might be all needed. If it doesn’t work, your doctor may prescribe more potent drugs, have you engage in physical therapy, or inject you with steroids. However, artificial disc replacement should be considered if non-surgical treatments have failed to provide sufficient pain relief.
You have a regular, undeformed spinal column
Spinal abnormalities are the leading cause of back pain in the general population. Scoliosis, kyphosis, and lordosis are all relatively common spinal abnormalities. Patients with spinal deformity have a higher risk of implant failure, artificial disc dislocation, and implant loosening due to surgery. For individuals with spinal deformity, spinal fusion is preferred above disc replacement.
If a ruptured disc in your spine is the source of your discomfort
There is a wide range of potential causes for spinal discomfort. Have you strained a muscle? What about arthritis? Or maybe it is coming from one of the discs that cushion your spine. It is essential to identify the source of your discomfort before seeking therapy. The diagnosis of disc disease is an apparent reason for artificial disc replacement. The intervertebral discs in your spine serve as cushions between the vertebrae, preventing spinal cord compression and other nerves. However, repeated blows may eventually lead to degenerative disc degeneration. There’s also the herniated disc risk, where a piece of the disc protrudes into the spinal canal.
Your doctor will do a thorough history and physical to make this determination. Disc degeneration or herniation may be diagnosed with imaging investigations like MRI or CT scan. Additional diagnostic procedures may be conducted to identify the problematic disc.
Normal BMI and no history of significant spine surgery
Disc degeneration is prevalent among overweight people. Obese people may have successful artificial disc replacement surgery, but there are risks and potential consequences, including infection and thrombosis. So, if you are going to have spine surgery but are overweight, your doctor may tell you to trim down beforehand. Likewise, individuals who have never had spinal surgery are ideal candidates for this procedure.
Although disc replacement may not be appropriate for all individuals, for others, it may be the key to alleviating pain and regaining mobility. You should schedule a consultation with a spine surgeon to see whether you are a candidate for disc replacement before deciding to have spinal surgery.